It can be said that the company profile is a type of document that helps customers learn quickly about the company. It is an important marketing publication for a business that wants to develop a strong brand, helping businesses show their capabilities and strengths to customers and partners. Considered as a treasure of each company, it is extremely important to design a profile that is both suitable and attractive. Company profile can be presented in hard copy like a book or posted on the company’s website
What is company profile?
Basically, a company profile , also known as a capacity profile, a bid document, etc. is usually designed in the form of a small book, with a capacity of about 16-32 pages that summarizes the business and products. , services, strengths, business areas, customers, partners and projects the company has implemented. In addition, this Profile is often “Show off” right in the introduction on the company’s website.

Through customer profiles, you can have a more general view of the company and vice versa, the company is also easier to approach customers. It can be said that Profile is the company’s effective tool in business and product marketing. Besides, it can also introduce the capabilities and capabilities of the business to contractors and suppliers.
In a company, there can be many brochures introducing products, but to introduce the company, there is only one profile.
What do you need to prepare for the company profile design?
1: Determine the target audience Business Profile targets
The best profile target audience must be clearly defined, which is the target customers of the business.
According to Pareto’s rule, this is the 20% group that brings 80% of the business’s revenue.
To determine the right goals, businesses need to answer the following two questions:
- Who is the target audience: Age, education level, social rank/status, representative opinion (traditional or modern, mixed)?
- Why do they need to see your business profile?
This will help businesses give the correct orientation and set out the categories and integrate the appropriate style in the profile.
2: Determine the content of the business profile
Enterprises need to select information, arrange reasonable content to avoid having too much information in the Profile book. This does not create goodwill with customers.
Content script and content are included in the big decision to the success of the Company Profile. Product content is the most important part of a business profile. Businesses need and you strive to select customer information that is easy to see and easily accessible.
Profile (Business Profile) is for customers, partners to understand more about your roots and the ideology and personality of the business.
The main content in the Profile:
- Table of Contents : Help customers understand and grasp the content structure of the Profile that they hold in their hands, quickly look up the content they are most interested in.
- Business name : Full name in English, Vietnamese or both, head office, branch/representative office, factory, phone, fax, customer care email, establishment time. This section should appear as much as possible, in every header/footer in every profile page, so that customers can easily contact them when needed.
- Open letter : Open letter from the General Director/Chairman
- Development process : review important milestones, major events such as: “n” branch opening/inauguration, 500th anniversary of establishment, upgrading of modern technology, production line new, growth rate of market share/capacity/profit, etc.
- Achievements : awards, medals, certification of standards, quality, …
- Vision : future and long-term goals of the business.
- Mission : the commitment of the business to the community, to the society, the values that the business brings, contributing to creating a bright future for humanity. Absolutely in this mission section, do not mistake the words “commercial”. Because if the business only anchors on “money”, it cannot be sustainable, it must be something humane, ethical and valuable forever.
- Core values : this is an important item for businesses to show their difference compared to competitors. In this section, learn more from the CEO or Founder, learn the philosophy of survival and longevity of the business. Core values will include both strengths and principles of production and business, helping customers to classify and consider using and investing.
- Organizational structure : especially important when the profile is aimed at large investors/partners. This helps investors determine whether the business’s operating and management model is suitable for them.
- Products : If the business has many products, classify them into groups. This makes it easy for customers to find and optimize products.
- Workflow / cooperation : this part is important for the profile of the service business, especially the consulting segment. Customers will know the next steps after signing the contract to avoid confusion in the transaction.
- Typical customers/projects : let customers know which typical units the business has worked with, diverse industries and fields. Create sustainable trust with customers.
In the current new trend, many businesses with a new mindset will omit the less effective parts such as vision, mission or even development process, organizational structure (or at least minimize them).
Their point of view is that the basic information is already available and extremely complete on the website, even if it is included in the profile, customers do not care but also make “long text”.
Therefore, businesses can consider this trend, if they like the modern style and want to focus on the most core part.
3: Determine the style of Profile
Businesses need to decide to arrange the content in the most reasonable way, leading the style in accordance with the position of the business.
4: Write the end of Profile
Choose an open-ended way for your Profile to get more: Sometimes a customer statement, sometimes a meeting, and sometimes an additional contract.
When the customer finishes viewing the Profile, please call the customer to take action, express that they want to cooperate, overcome difficulties with the customer, and offer solutions to the problems the customer is having.
There are many ways to write a highlight Profile ending: an open-ended question, a solid statement, a prophecy of success if there is an opportunity to cooperate, …
5: Basic presentation of business profile
Build the shape of your business profile with impressive and unique designs that show the professional spirit.
In addition to complying with the brand identity (brand guide), designers must find the right image, decide on the font, color, and size. Good design turns dry content into visually responsive content.
And if you don’t have a brand guide to know how to determine the design style, layout, and main colors, gather all the company’s sales materials, find their common ground and try not to get caught up. profile gets lost in the same place.
What is the structure of a standard company profile?
Depending on the size and business field of the company, you will design the most optimal personal profile with the budget. Normally, the structure of a standard company profile includes the following contents:
The first cover of the profile design book
- Logo
- Company name
- Slogan or slogan used by the company
- An illustration of the company’s business field
2nd page – 3 profile design books
- Appendix
- History of formation and key milestones in the development of the company
- Breakthrough steps of business development
- Important landmark events for the company’s development and success
- Use the company’s existing documentary images to illustrate the profile
4th page – 5 profile books
- Brief introduction of the company
- Check out the main activities in terms of business lines and operation scale
- Company mission and goals
- Picture of the accompanying illustrative material
6th page – 7 profile design books
- Photos of members of the Board of Directors, key personnel of the company
- Organization chart of the company
- Can introduce more information of outstanding employees who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the company

Page 7 – 8 profile design books
- Details of the company’s business and services provided
- Pictures of accompanying materials
9th page – 10 profile books
- The company’s typical projects have been achieved
- Main products and services provided
- Overview, list all projects and works that have been done
- Illustrated images, accompanying documents
The next pages of the profile design book
- New problems posed in the current development context, solutions, company goals
- Social activities for the community towards sustainable development strategy
The last cover of the profile design book
- Company’s logo
- Communications
- General images can be used to illustrate the development of the company
As a piece of land that represents the brand, investing in a perfect corporate profile is what most businesses are interested in. However, it is not necessary to invest billions in them, just the honest things that are selected and expressed with a few subtle highlights and are suitable for the industry as well as the target customers are enough to make an impression. brand image. Above are some examples of impressive company profiles of large companies that hope to bring fresh ideas for your company profile design .

If you are looking for a reputable and experienced unit to be able to design your business profile and brand identity system in a professional and impressive way, then please contact us immediately at Phone 0988 622 991, or leave your information and requirements, Malu Design ‘s consulting department will contact you right away to answer all your questions!
Malu Design – Branding Identity Agency
Hotline: 0988 622 991