Metalix 2 01 result

Metalix Interior

Region : Vietnam

Field : Furniture

Differences in material and design. The products bring refinement, emotional craftsmanship and warmth into every space present.
Metalix Interior always focuses on small details, learns from tradition, flexibility of function, comfort for users from high-quality materials – natural and suitable for many interior styles.


• Brand identity

338169872 241158368373407 622967


In European interior design metal is used a lot in royal architecture, from simple items such as tables and chairs, teacups, decorations…etc. modified by humans and combined with many different materials to create modern and personalized interior products like today.
Unlike other materials, stainless steel metal furniture has a very unique style. The nature of metal is cold, so it is easy to create a luxurious and seductive appearance that easily conquers the most demanding homeowners.

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