Three Plus
Area : Hanoi
Field : Interior design
At the beginning of 2017, with a deep passion for Architecture and Interior, especially with the desire to bring accumulated experience over many years, a group of 3 architects with the same ambition decided to establish Three Plus Design. Three Plus Design understands that to perfect a work of art and service requires a lot of elements and efforts. Therefore, in any stage of the Design and Construction process, Three Plus Design always meticulously builds, studies many options, and corrects even the details that are rarely noticed.
After 5 years of development of the company, as well as over 10 years of experience of each founding member in the field of Architectural and Interior Design, Three Plus Design is confident to bring a fast, professional working process. ready to meet all customer requirements.
“Not only a partner, but also a reliable companion”, Three Plus Design is committed to providing the best quality of service, ensuring absolute customer satisfaction through each space.
• Website Design

Website makes it difficult to experience and makes it difficult for Three Plus customers to want to see the true capabilities of Three Plus (because things like navigation, experience, and visual perception on the website are very poor).
The website has not clearly shown what Three Plus can bring to customers.