design the logo for the mandarin government

Every year, hundreds and thousands of new coffee shops open all over Vietnam. In order for your cafe to be the most prominent, it is definitely necessary to carefully invest in style, drinks, service, location and most importantly, the logo. Coffee shop logos both help customers identify the brand and create a difference from the competition. You are planning to open a cafe but do not have an idea to design a brand image, immediately refer to the 100+ beautiful cafe logo templates below.

Elements that help the logo design stand out

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Coffee logo design almost anyone can do it, but to have a quality and unique image is quite a difficult problem. In order to have an outstanding coffee shop logo template, it is definitely indispensable for the following factors.

  • An outstanding logo needs all elements from images, icons, colors, and messages to be consistent to make customers think of your cafe wherever they go, do or when they see it.
  • Coffee logo design needs to be simple, easy to see, but still unique and different, containing the message you want to send to customers.

If you do the above two things, your cafe will surely be half successful in attracting customers to the shop. Especially, for newly opened shops, it is essential to design the most unique and new identity to attract customers to use the service.

Note when designing a coffee shop logo

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Logo design is the first step to do if you want to open a cafe, to have a unique and new identity image, besides creativity, what will be needed. If you do not want to make mistakes in the process of designing a cafe logo, please understand these notes.

  • Logo includes brand name. The name of the cafe is the best way for people to remember, distinguish you from any other shop, the more unique and new the name, the more curious and interested it is.
  • Choose a coffee shop logo design style. Imagine if your shop is aimed at male customers, the classic style but the logo is too feminine and modern, it will be out of tune, right? Therefore, be sure to choose the right cafe logo style.
  • Select a logo image. To make the logo not too monotonous, you can choose to add a few logo images that match the desired style. However, remember to choose only 1 or 2 doodles to avoid confusion.
  • The main color of the cafe logo. You can choose the color according to feng shui to suit the owner or the colors that are easily associated with the cafe such as brown, black, yellow, etc.
  • Select a font style. Depending on each shop, there will be different orientations, you can use available fonts or handwritten fonts as you like. Please note that in the logo should use a font for synchronization, consistency, should not incorporate too many typefaces into this representative image.

Banner Web Malu 03

Refer to the coffee shop logo samples

f54eb581 91c6 4b08 93b9 308fd277966c
d2051fdd ec73 40ff 667c 3b5681104702
f2c09791 bd38 4f93 9196 3ae05f78c6e5
f0b6b956 ef94 472b b6b1 10024715fa83
c3589489 4bb9 44cb b399 34c37c10b7ab
design malu mandarin logo design 131078043
design malu mandarin logo design 127391348
design malu mandarin logo design 120260130
design malu mandarin logo design 115264517
design malu mandarin logo design 110798390
design malu mandarin logo design 114872571
design malu mandarin logo design 114211715
design malu mandarin logo design 115234478
design malu mandarin logo design 111495263
design malu mandarin logo design 115234478
design malu mandarin logo design 112513661
design malu quan ca phe logo design 107510043
design malu mandarin logo design 104593415
design malu mandarin logo design 112929218
design malu quan ca phe logo design 104481319
design malu mandarin logo design 97684328
design malu mandarin logo design 97641646
design malu mandarin logo design 33666205
design malu mandarin logo design 94925492
design malu mandarin logo design 94567648
design malu mandarin logo design 93588911
design malu mandarin logo design 92059774
design malu mandarin logo design 91608166
design malu mandarin logo design 91295898
design malu mandarin logo design 90337534
design malu quan ca phe logo design 89430492
design malu mandarin logo design 47578688
design malu quan ca phe logo design 86706207
design malu mandarin logo design 86128368
design malu mandarin logo design 84095160
design malu mandarin logo design 82471310
design malu mandarin logo design 82140148
design malu mandarin logo design 56313684
design malu mandarin logo design 81318366
design malu mandarin logo design 80402087
design malu mandarin logo design 80123635
design malu quan ca phe logo design 79319615
design malu mandarin logo design 78933240
design malu mandarin logo design 78530558
design malu mandarin logo design 77642651
malu official logo design 76753708
design malu mandarin logo design 76391859
design malu mandarin logo design 76218362
design malu mandarin logo design 75841918
design malu mandarin logo design 73745338
design malu mandarin logo design 72397094
design malu mandarin logo design 72096140
design malu quan ca phe logo design 68678307
design malu mandarin logo design 68455699
design malu mandarin logo design 67437774
design malu mandarin logo design 66820844
design malu mandarin logo design 66681398
design malu mandarin logo design 65118488
malu mandarin logo design 62062500
design malu mandarin logo design 61388951
design malu mandarin logo design 60571586
design malu mandarin logo design 57266944
7b2877c3 e42b 4cc9 8774 141a78e746b3
21ab1946 ab61 4c99 a8d0 9a8ad7c8fc75
6107cce7 e641 432f bda8 f50cc526f790
26546ef8 752a 44e1 86b7 8dadd1896ebe
design malu mandarin logo design 23999251
design malu mandarin logo design 39511668
1e20c79a 9d53 41a2 9bb5 6f5dc02fd528
2d90ebc4 d046 4e17 9907 d018e2ddd082
6c06ed0e 5712 45ba 85c1 a1d29025e96a
583f1a2c 463c 4f83 ab18 a9c4a9abd7f2

If you are a coffee shop owner who is in need of a professional logo design to increase brand recognition, please contact Malu Design immediately via hotline 0988 622 991 or email  for quick support and unique, outstanding logo designs!

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If you are looking for a reputable and experienced unit to be able to design a professional and impressive logo and  brand identity system , then please contact us immediately by phone. 0988 622 991, or leave your information and requirements, Malu Design ‘s consulting department  will contact you right away to answer all your questions!


Malu Design – Branding Identity Agency

Hotline: 0988 622 991