You need a logo that communicates your business values and serves as a way to identify your brand. But you need more than that—you need a logo that can do the most for your brand.
It should be: Dynamic logo – Dynamic logo
Dynamic Logo – What is a dynamic logo?
Dynamic logos can adapt and change according to the context in which it is used. Unlike static logos, dynamic logos transform depending on their environment.
It could be that a few specific aspects of the logo change (such as the direction of the icon or the position of the colors) or the entire design is redesigned each time the logo is presented.
It’s important to remember that the core elements of your logo should always be consistent. Whether it’s fonts, icons, or color palettes, there should be constant elements so that people can recognize your brand no matter what.
That’s what distinguishes dynamic logos from throwing a bunch of unrelated logos together and calling them “dynamic”. Have you seen the difference yet?
You will have different variations of your core logo and it will serve as the blueprint for your other dynamic logos.
Why should you use dynamic logos?
A dynamic logo adds to your brand identity. This is an opportunity to express your creativity while fulfilling a desire for change. Having a dynamic logo is also a way to ensure that your brand is displayed in every possible way, which allows you to scale your overall brand.
Context is everything
You will display your logo on different devices and locations. By using a dynamic logo, you can have it respond to any device or location where it is located. Your core logo can be used on your business cards and website homepage, but you’ll change or shrink it for your Instagram profile picture.
Elements are being tweaked while retaining the core message and image no matter where your logo is.
Assuming your internet branding strategy involves showcasing your expertise in a niche, but offline, you want to focus on how healthy your business is. A dynamic logo can convey both of these qualities.
Expression of flexibility
Different versions of a logo give the impression that your business has more than one strength – and what better way to represent a change-driven company than through a logo that does. there?
Everyone can join
Unlike static logos, your staff can strategize and come up with ideas for how the next version of your dynamic logo will look.
It adds to your brand identity
Logos can impact the way your customers perceive your brand, and a dynamic logo can help take your brand to the next level. And, once your brand becomes more popular, your customers will start to look forward to seeing what you make next.
The best example of a company using a dynamic logo to their advantage is Google, which has a different logo for every event – and literally every – occasion.
Just look at what they did for Veterans Day 2021:

And Google has also designed a completely new look for Earth Day 2021:

Google even designed a special dynamic logo for Grandparents’ Day in 2021:

How to design dynamic logos
Now that you know what a dynamic logo is and why you should use it, let’s learn how to design a dynamic logo.
1. Select a dynamic element
Images play an important role in your dynamic logo. This is often the most recognizable part of a logo, intended to depict the brand in a single image.
AOL and Nickelodeon are famous for this. For example, the children’s television network uses a different icon for each show but keeps the cheerful font and energetic orange color consistent throughout. Doing so speaks to the fun side of the brand while remaining instantly recognizable with every version of their logo.

MTV uses color variation effectively, alternating the colors of the letters “M” and “TV” in each version of their logo. The ability to change the color scheme allows MTV to stay as creative and diverse as their music.

To promote tourism to the Nordkyn peninsula (located at the top of Europe), a dynamic logo was created to simulate regional changes in wind direction and temperature. On the travel website, the logo icon changes shape, color and direction every 5 minutes based on current meteorological data.

Adding motion to your logo makes it animate in real time as the logo changes right in front of your customers’ eyes! It’s a great way to make your logo stand out in multimedia and give the impression that you’re a creative, forward-thinking brand.
Shazam, an app that identifies songs based on a small clip, uses motion in their logo to represent a speaker that’s playing continuously, showing that with their product, the music never stops. .

2. Consider your core logo
Certain elements of your core logo should remain the same in every version of your branding. Remember, the purpose of a logo (dynamic or otherwise) is to represent your business. While having an attention-grabbing dynamic logo is crucial, arguably even more important is keeping it embodying the brand’s values.
3. Keep the design simple
Simple logos focus on highlighting the most important parts of a brand’s personality. This includes focusing more on aspects like colors and fonts as well as distilling ideas into their simplest form. You don’t want a logo that’s too complicated and confusing. Keeping it simple will ensure you have an effective logo.
4. Think about flexibility
A good dynamic logo can be used in many different ways, shapes and situations. Choosing a logo that can be resized, printed or placed on different media will make your brand more visible to your target audience. One of the easiest ways to make your logo more versatile is to think about where you’re going to use it (business cards, social media, website headers, merchandise, etc.).
Points to consider before creating a Dynamic Logo
It’s fun, it’s fun, it’s catchy, but a dynamic logo isn’t for everyone. As you decide on the type of logo you want to create for your business, keep the following in mind:
Don’t confuse “dynamic” with “better”
A standard logo is still the most suitable type of logo, especially when your goal is to create a perception of permanence and continuity around your brand. With that said, dynamic logos allow you to constantly innovate, which can match the perception you want others to have of your business.
Animated logos should stand alone
Remember that customers will interact with your brand at different times or through different means, and any logo they see will likely be the only one they associate with your brand. your. Therefore, every variation of your logo needs to have a backbone that supports your entire brand in one go.
Know who you are
Be absolutely sure what your brand message is before designing variations of the logo that will convey that message. If you’re not sure what you’re trying to say with each version of your logo, it’s best not to say anything at all!
For you
Now that you have all the information you need to create an animated logo, it’s time to get started! Use Malu Design’s logo design service to create your core logo.

If you are looking for a reputable and experienced unit to be able to design a professional and impressive logo and brand identity system , then please contact us immediately by phone. 0988 622 991, or leave your information and requirements, Malu Design ‘s consulting department will contact you right away to answer all your questions!
Malu Design – Branding Identity Agency
Hotline: 0988 622 991