The retail industry has long been one of the industries pursued by many “big guys” because of its high profit margin. However, in Vietnam, the retail market in the past few years has witnessed a relatively fierce elimination. A series of once famous brands were forced to leave the market such as Shop&Go, FiviMart or most recently Auchan, giving up market share to other formidable competitors.
However, according to reputable surveys from international companies, Vietnam with its fast development speed, large population size, and increasing income will be the top factors driving the retail industry up. in the coming years. To be able to survive and compete, retail brands need to be built methodically, synchronously, in accordance with the tastes and consumption habits of Vietnamese people.
This article is a collection of beautiful Logo samples of major retail systems and stores in the world, let’s discover together with Malu:
>>> Refer to other logo samples in other industries and fields:
- 60+ Education Logo Templates, School Logo Templates
- 80+ Beautiful and impressive travel industry logo templates
- 100+ Templates of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Health, Hospital Logos
- 99+ Beautiful and professional Real Estate Company Logo Templates
- 90+ Logo templates for finance, banking, investment funds
Key features when designing a retail system logo
The identity system for the retail industry in general needs to show clear uniformity and consistency. The identification details need to be well presented at the touch points with customers: such as the identification system at the point of sale, the system of outdoor billboards, etc.
As for color recognition, to have a good identity on the street, retail brands often choose relatively prominent color systems, giving the first impressions to viewers. According to the survey, more than 50% of retail brands own red in their identity color.
Logos of retail stores and retail systems need to possess high applicability in many environments, from billboards, printed materials, to identification on digital products.
Refer to the Logos of chain stores, retail systems
Hope the above article has been helpful for you in the process of referencing logo designs of stores and retail systems. Malu is a professional brand design unit , helping businesses own a distinct and consistent brand image.

If you are looking for a reputable and experienced unit to be able to design a professional and impressive logo and brand identity system , then please contact us immediately by phone. 0988 622 991, or leave your information and requirements, Malu Design ‘s consulting department will contact you right away to answer all your questions!
Malu Design – Branding Identity Agency
Hotline: 0988 622 991