Looking deeper into Nike’s brand strategy, you’ll find a lot of interesting things about the journey of the heroes. The marketing campaign of this famous shoe brand can be considered an ideal model for many other businesses to follow.

In today’s post, we invite you and Malu to take a moment to dig deeper into the secret of Nike’s success through the way we see heroism and how to embed emotion in messages. your marketing message.

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Emotional Branding

What makes Nike such a powerful global brand today is because: They know how to use emotions to integrate their marketing messages. To be more specific, it’s the story of heroes.

emotional branding cua nike

Since ancient times, we often hear our parents and grandparents tell about the legends of heroes and how they defeated the bad guys, protecting the peace of the people. In Vietnam we have Thach Sanh, Thanh Giong or Son Tinh. Abroad, we have Hercules or Thor.

In other words, we are not too unfamiliar with Nike’s marketing strategy. One can see this as a rut, a lack of creativity, but those stories still have a great impact on the viewer’s thoughts and feelings.

> Learn more about  Emotional Branding

Build customer loyalty

Perhaps, Nike is not the only brand that uses the story of the heroes around us to attract attention from viewers. The traditional way of doing things of other brands is usually:

Nike's traditional way

“Enemies” are influences from outside of us. The bad guy has a power far beyond what the hero currently has. His task is to practice hard, overcome difficulties and challenges to enjoy glory.

With clear black and white elements, it’s the marketing manager’s job to simply integrate their brand messages, and that’s enough.

So what did Nike do?

Nike has breathed new life into monotonous hero stories. Instead of focusing on helping the hero defeat the enemies from the outside, our main character must face an even more difficult challenge: The enemy inside.

In each of us, there is always an inner struggle: waking up in the morning, how to fight sleepiness? When going to work, fatigue invades our mind, how to beat them?

how to wear nike

This is exactly how Nike used to win our hearts: Each of you faces internal enemies. With your best efforts, you are all heroes.

Each of us finds ourselves in the stories Nike conveys. This has created empathy for viewers, making them love the brand even more. Applying a new story, breathing life into it with a new perspective, making them closer to the audience, that’s what Nike has done in its marketing campaigns.

>  Brand Archetype – 12 Brands you need to know


Things you can learn from Nike’s branding strategy are:

Nike’s brand story is often associated with a motif:  hero – bad guy.  The hero starts from zero, must try and do his best to defeat the evil, win glory for himself.

However, the enemies in Nike’s stories are the inner elements that any of us have: Laziness, inertia, discouragement, etc.

Viewers can find themselves in images of heroes. In the end, the winner here is you, who are following Nike ads.