Why is a brand launch campaign important?
“ First impressions ” are extremely important and have a strong impact on subsequent successes:
- Capture the attention of the target audience
- Increase brand awareness
- Strongly promote sales activities
- Provide necessary resources, motivate employees
- Increase company reputation
- Expanding market share and new business opportunities
10 Reasons Why Brand Launches Fail
- Target audience / Market is not clear
- Lack of market research and not finding the difference
- The product is so new, so different
- The product is not competitive enough & the advertising is also bad
- The price is too high compared to the acceptable level of the segment
- Media spend on launch activity has not reached the threshold
- Too many or too few social channels
- The goal of the campaign is not SMART
- Having a problem with the spokesperson/ambassador
- Lack of proper influencer support
The key to a successful brand launch

A strong brand strategy can also improve employee engagement by clearly communicating the company’s mission and values, creating a shared sense of purpose and direction among employees.

A well-defined brand strategy can give a company a competitive edge over its competitors by clearly communicating its unique value proposition and setting itself apart from the competition.

A successful branding strategy can build brand equity, increase the value of a company, and make it more attractive to potential investors, partners, and customers.
Higher brand value allows for higher and stable profits for the company in the long run.

A strong brand strategy can help increase the perceived value of a company’s products and services, leading to higher sales and higher customer retention.

A well-executed brand strategy can create a strong emotional connection with customers, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

Launching service includes
Undertake 4C research, this is a solid basis for further decisions:
- Category – Industry analysis
- Company – Current status of business, brand
- Competitor – Competitor
- Consumer – Target consumer
Brand strategy
Building a brand strategy, helping to clearly visualize the brand that the business wants to build, including the following components:
- Brand core
- Brand Positioning
- Brand model
- Brand personality
- Brand story
- Brand tone
- …
Identity design
Create a full brand identity for launching activities, conquering customers at first sight:
- Core brand identity
- Digital Identity
- Product/service identification
- And necessary media publications
Creative communication strategy
Build a creative communication strategy in different stages:
- Strategy copy
- Big Ideas
- Key Visual
- …
Detailed communication plan
Develop a detailed communication plan for effective implementation, including:
- Project objectives
- Work plan
- Channel Allocation
- Allocate responsibilities
- Budget allocation
- Measurement index
- Report form
- …
Manage and execute communication plans
Directly implement the new brand launch communication plan and be responsible for KPIs:
- Prepare necessary resources for communication activities
- Set up and manage dependent campaigns
- Measure and optimize campaigns
- Detailed campaign report
- …
4 Stages of the Launching campaign
Plan, prepare resources, personnel… for the entire campaign to launch a new brand/brand. Review the entire project and approve the implementation.
Launch and build awareness internally and with partners.Pull curiosity about the brand/brand in the target consumer group.
Officially announced the new brand. Build awareness in the market and maximize interaction with target consumers.Build a positive brand experience.
Maintain communication across channels, ensure the right growth momentum.Strengthen awareness and build brand loyalty.

Break through the limit with an explosive, innovative brand launch campaign.
Our team
We are a team of experts with diverse perspectives, in-depth analysis of every issue for strategic goals and creative passion to design the best experience for your brand.
Brand/product launch process
At Malu, we apply a strict, scientific and collaborative process to ensure the success of the project.
Malu receives requests (brief), researches and advises on an overview of the new brand launch campaign (Launching). Make quotation, sign contract..
Malu conducts 4Cs research (Category, Company, Consumer/Customer, Competitor), collects and analyzes data to support next implementation steps.
Based on the research, Malu advises on detailed solutions for new brand launch activities (Strategy, specific work items ..).
Make a detailed and clear brand new launch project plan.
Implement brand launch activities in 4 phases: Preparation > Pre-launch > Official launch > After launch
Monitor and measure project metrics and optimize performance. Ensure activities meet committed indicators (Including both qualitative and quantitative)
Support the business team to quickly receive and effectively manage the communication channel.
Ready to support and accompany businesses in long-term brand building activities.

“You have a vision, Malu has experience in consulting & execution. I believe the results will break the limit.”
What customers say about Malu Design
4.8 stars from 163 reviews

Van Hai Gym
I feel that choosing Malu Design is a very right decision, I myself find it quite difficult, especially with my company’s media publications or brand identity, but when working with Malu Design I am very surprise with the ability to capture ideas, convey messages with high aesthetics in design and creativity. Wish Malu Design team more success!
Nguyen Van Hai
CEO/Vietnam Boxing Champion

Hanoi Daewoo Hotel
Hanoi Daewoo Hotel is very satisfied with the professional and enthusiastic working style of Malu Design staff.
In particular, Hanoi Daewoo Hotel would like to thank the members of the design team for their efforts in creating a design product that has both value in form and meaning. Wish Malu Design more and more development.
Erwin R. Popov
General Manager

At Grupa Restaurant
On behalf of Lagrupa, I would like to sincerely thank Malu Design for accompanying Lagrupa since its inception.
It is very right to choose Malu Design because of its enthusiastic and well-trained staff, I am very satisfied with your company’s service. We hope to work together on future projects.
Le Anh Ngoc

Frequently asked questions
The average time by 4 phases of the brand launch campaign is:
1 – Preparation: 2 – 6 February
– Pre-Launch: 1 – 2
March – Launch: 1
April – Post-Launch: 1 – 2 months
Preparation time can be shortened if there is good coordination between departments.
In addition, the specific time depends on each business. Some businesses want to extend phase 2 and phase 4 to improve efficiency and test better optimal solutions.
The nature of the brand launch campaign is quite complex, important and has a great impact on businesses.
Therefore, Malu needs to research carefully to get the items and costs expected to meet the brand launch goal of the business.
Malu’s team needs a minimum of 7 days to quote a brand launch project (It may take longer depending on the complexity)
If you want to speed things up, please call 0988 622 991 or send your brief to info@maludesign.vn .
Have. If your business already has a brand strategy and professional brand identity design.
Specific work items will be discussed in the contract.
Your customers are exposed to more than thousands of ads of hundreds of different brands every day.
There was also a lot of other interesting information that they were interested in that stole their attention.
Therefore, if the frequency of the brand appearing is too low, the channel limit is not likely to be remembered.
In short, this is due to under-spending, let alone content effectiveness.
Spending is not enough, so the brand launch campaign has not reached the tipping point, has not made the target customers recognize and remember the brand.
Answer: Research and test.
You’ll need to conduct thorough market research to find out how much (or expected) spending during the time you plan to launch your brand.
Combined with customer psychology research to decide how often your brand appears in front of the same customer in a day, a week is how many times.
Additionally, tracking metrics like your conversion rate relative to the industry average needs to be equal or greater.
Next is to monitor other relevant metrics such as: Growth rate of Dirrect traffic, Rate of new users, Rate of returning users…
Then summarize and forecast the cost.
Brand launch campaigns are usually deployed on the following channels:
- Own channel: Website, Lading page
- Digital, Ads Network
- Social: Facebook, Zalo, Tiktok Linkedin
- PR
- OOH: Outdoor advertising, large billboards…
- …
Select the right channel and deploy in combination for best results.
Deciding on which channel to run advertising and communication depends on market research, customers and campaign goals.
In addition, the decision of where to run ads is also related to the campaign budget.
Therefore, to answer whether a business needs to run outdoor billboard advertising, large billboards or not needs to be considered in a specific situation.
Brand launch campaign budgets and goals are inseparable.
High goals come with big budgets and vice versa.
See how to build a budget:
- Branding budget
- Marketing Budget
Contact Malu immediately via hotline 0988 622 991 or info@maludesign.vn for detailed advice on brand launch budget.
Launching is a series of activities implemented to launch, build awareness for a new brand, thereby promoting business activities. Includes 4 stages:
- Prepare
- Pre-launch activities
- Launch (Launch)
- Post-debut activities
Meanwhile, introducing a new brand can be just an announcement campaign (a stage of Launching), if done alone, it is difficult to create a media wave.
For a successful brand and product launch event, you need to note:
- Honesty : Being honest with the public and key consumers. Everything must align with the brand positioning statement.
- Invite the right people : Invite big names, industry influence and influence consumers to the event.
- Unique : Organize a launch event differently from your competitors, make sure the launch is valuable.
- Avoid conflict : Make sure what happens during the launch event doesn’t conflict with other companies or your customers.
- Personalization : Be mindful of special guests who need proper care.
- Budget : The launch event should have a budget that matches the size and positioning desired. More creativity within budget
Are not. If your brand already has the right brand identity design
At that time, when launching a new product, it is necessary to design identity publications for the new product according to the general brand concept, for example:
- Packaging, labels
- Identification of media publications
- Identify selling points
- Present
- …
Conversely, when launching a brand and a product together, you need to design both the brand identity and the product identity.
NOTE: Before deploying, Malu will conduct a detailed assessment and consultation on the items that need to be designed, updated, improved…
Have. The brand launch event is an important event of the whole campaign, so to ensure the effectiveness of the entire campaign, Malu will be the one responsible for leading and coordinating the organization.
Have. Depending on your agreement and will, Malu will coordinate to support your self-implementation to achieve the best results.
When you organize your own launch event, Malu will play a supporting role in a number of categories such as:
- Consulting concept, plan
- Designing publications for the ceremony
- Coordinate activation of communication
- …
Based on customer research, Malu will advise on appropriate communication and advertising items to support the launch of the appropriate brand.
In which, Digital Ads can be a viable category because of its large reach and cost control, good efficiency.
However, which solution to choose depends on each different context.
Example 1: An enterprise specializing in providing “Information security for the super-rich” solution can allocate its budget to luxury events, promoting WOM instead of implementing Digital Ads.
Example 2: A technology startup can choose inbound marketing as a platform instead of Digital Ads.

We are always ready to listen and offer the most suitable solution to your problem.