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If you think Digital Marketing and Online Marketing are the same, you are wrong! They are two different concepts. In fact, in Marketing, there are many pairs of phrases that many people are confused about. In this article, let’s explore the  most common marketing terms with Malu.

1. Distinguishing Digital Marketing and Online Marketing

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Digital Marketing and Online Marketing – A pair of marketing terms that many people think they are similar

Digital Marketing  is a way of marketing using existing digital platforms and types (Telephone, Internet, TV, Audio, Digital OOH…).

Meanwhile,  Online Marketing :  A marketing method that can only be built and implemented on the Internet space, including major platforms such as Social Media, Website, Display Ad…

In short, Online Marketing is a “sub-file” of Digital Marketing. Although both are developed based on technology, but Digital Marketing is a form of marketing that is not limited to the Internet but also includes offline forms.

>>> Maybe you are interested:  What is the difference between Digital Marketing and Online Marketing?

2. Brand and Trademark

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Brand and Trademark – A misleading pair of marketing terms

Brand  , also known as brand, is a combination of intangible values ​​of product attributes such as: name, history, reputation, packaging, price, advertising for that brand… Understandably, Brand is something that is deeply imprinted in the customer’s mind, is how people perceive your business, especially it is the emotional bridge.

Trademark  is only a trademark protected by intellectual property law, it can be slogans, logos, etc.

For example, Coca-Cola is the brand name, and the red letter symbol in the Coca-Cola logo is the legal trademark for that brand.

A brand can have many different trademarks. For example, Volkswagen is a German car brand that owns and manufactures different car lines such as Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, Porsche… Although Audi or Bentley themselves are both trademarks, they have all been registered. Signed for ownership and protection, so they are all trademarks of the Volkswagen brand.

3. Consumer and Customer

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Consumers and Customers often misunderstand this pair of marketing terms

It is also one of the   most misunderstood marketing terms for marketers. So what is the difference between Consumer and Customer?

Consumer (Consumer)

This is the final object of the service/goods supply process. They are the people who directly use products and services in the market.

Customer (Customer)

This is the object directly involved in the exchange and purchase of goods and products from the supplier. The customer is not necessarily an individual, but can be an agent or an organization that wants to make a purchase.

For example: Company A has a milk product for children under 10 years old, the consumers here are children under 10 years old, but the customers are the parents of the children.

4. Goals and Objectives

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Goals and Objectives

Goals – Purpose This can be understood as the final destination of the campaign. Brands can announce goals to guide and inform the quarterly or annual strategies that the divisions will implement.

Objectives – Objectives

Meanwhile, the goal will define the specific activities that need to be done to achieve that goal.

Compare Purpose and Objective:

Goals (Purpose)Objectives (Goals)
Wide rangeSpecific, detailed scope
Valuable for establishing a common direction or visionLink to schedule and time frame
Hard to measureEasy to measure
Abstract ideasSpecific steps
Longer termShort or medium term
Final result.Means lead to the end result.

5. Viral Video and TVC

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Viral Video and TVC

Viral videos  are often very meticulous in terms of form and content, which are meaningful stories, advertising elements are only inserted very little. Viral videos are featured a lot on channels such as youtube, social networks, blog, forum, email… Almost anywhere there is Internet, Viral video will appear there.

TVC  advertising  only focuses on highlighting brand products and services, but not that it is produced superficially. The average TVC duration is 60s long.

Previously, TVC advertising was usually broadcast on television mainly. But recently, in addition to TV, it is also promoted on social networking sites.

Viral videoTVC advertising
Video “Jealousy Covy” goes viral to China on TikTok platform


Green electric TVC


6. PR and Advertising

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PR and Advertising

PR  is a communication method to convey a positive image and message about the business to customers and the community. A successful PR campaign knows how to subtly and skillfully “show off” the achievements and positive contributions of the business to the community.

Completely different from PR,  Advertising  “attacks” directly on target customers by emphasizing the most prominent and characteristic features of the product through TVC, Print Ad, Radio Ad, word of mouth…

300 important marketing terms to know

Marketing Terminology – Content Marketing

Content Startegy

Content Strategy, also known as content strategy, aims to provide orientations, principles, methods, foundations, etc., from which to build content for the marketing channel.

Content Shock

This term is understood as the explosion of content because content marketing activities are increasingly popular


Ebook or a digital book designed to be read on electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, e-readers, etc.

How to Publish an eBook Step By Step eBook Publishing

Messenger marketing

This is the process of generating interest in your products or services using facebook messenger or other messaging apps.

A Messenger marketing strategy that connects individuals in a way that simplifies processes, reduces ad spend, and increases ROI


ROI stands for Return on Investment and is a net ratio of total investment costs

Content pillar

This is the theme background for a piece of your website content. Conetnt Pillar  serves as the main hub of content for an overarching topic.

Key Hook

Key Hook, or customer retention point, is a way of presenting news or stories to stimulate the media’s interest, thereby targeting customers and businesses.

Some common marketing terms

1. Advertising: Advertising

2. Auction-type pricing: Auction-based pricing

3. Benefit: Benefits

4. Brand acceptability: Brand acceptance

5. Brand awareness: Brand awareness

6. Brand equity: Brand value

7. Brand loyalty: Loyalty to the brand

8. Brand mark: The mark of the brand

9. Brand name: Brand name

10. Brand preference: Brand preference

11. Break-even analysis: Break-even analysis

12. Break-even point: Break-even point

13. Buyer: Buyer

14. By-product pricing: Pricing secondary products

15. Captive-product pricing: Compulsory product pricing

16. Cash discount: Discount when paying in cash

17. Cash rebate: Coupons

18. Channel level: Channel level

19. Channel management: Distribution channel management

20. Channels: Channels (distribution)

Customer experience journey
Some specialized marketing terms

21. Communication channel: Communication channel

22. Consumer: Consumers

23. Copyright: Copyright

24. Cost: Cost

25. Coverage: Coverage (distribution channel)

26. Cross elasticity: Cross elasticity (of demand) (with substitute or complementary products

27. Culture: Culture

28. Customer: Customer

29. Customer-segment pricing: Pricing by customer segment

30. Decider: The person who decides (in buying behavior)

31. Demand elasticity: Elasticity of demand

32. Demographic environment: Demographic (environment) factor

33. Direct marketing: Direct marketing

34. Discount: Discount

35. Discriminatory pricing: Discriminatory pricing

36. Distribution channel: Distribution channel

37. Door-to-door sales: Door-to-door sales

38. Dutch auction: Dutch auction

39. Early adopter: The group (customer) adapts quickly

40. Economic environment: Economic environment

41. End-user: End user, end customer

42. English auction: English auction

43. Evaluation of alternatives: Evaluation of alternatives

44. Exchange: Exchange

45. Exclusive distribution: Exclusive distribution

46. ​​Franchising: Transfer of brand privileges

47. Functional discount: Functional discount

48. Gatekeeper: Gatekeeper (in the act of buying)

49. Geographical pricing: Pricing by geographical location

50. Going-rate pricing: Pricing according to market price

51. Group pricing: Group pricing

52. Horizontal conflict: Horizontal conflict

53. Image pricing: Pricing by image

54. Income elasticity: Elasticity (of demand) with income

55.  Influencer : Influencer

56. Information search: Find information

57. Initiator: The Initiator

58. Innovator: Innovative group(customers)

59. Intensive distribution: Mass distribution

60. Internal record system: Internal information system

61. Laggard: Outdated group (customers)

62. Learning curve: Experimental effect, experience effect,
learning effect

63. List price: List price

64. Location pricing: Pricing according to location and buying space

65. Long-run Average Cost – LAC: Long-run average cost

66. Loss-leader pricing: Pricing at a loss to attract customers67. Mail questionnaire: Survey method by mailing questionnaire

68. Market coverage: Market coverage

69.  Marketing : Marketing

70. Marketing channel: Marketing channel

71. Marketing concept: Marketing perspective

72. Marketing decision support system: Decision support system

73. Marketing information system: Marketing information system

74. Marketing intelligence: Marketing intelligence

75.  Marketing mix : Marketing mix

76. Marketing research: Marketing research

77. Markup pricing: Pricing plus costing

78. Mass-customization marketing: Mass-customization marketing

79. Mass-marketing: Mass marketing

80. Middle majority: The majority (customer) group

81. Modified rebuy: Modified rebuy

82. MRO-Maintenance Repair Operating: Industrial products in the
supply group

83. Multi-channel conflict : Multi-level conflict

84. Natural environment: Natural factors (environment)

85. Need: Need

86. Network: Network

87. New task: Buy new

88. Observation: Observation

89. OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer: Original equipment manufacturer

90. Optional- feature pricing: Pricing according to optional features

91. Packaging: Packaging

92. Perceived – value pricing: Pricing according to perceived value

93. Personal interviewing: Face-to-face interview

94. Physical distribution: Distribution of matter

95. Place: Distribution

96. Political-legal environment: Political-legal environment

97. Positioning: Positioning

98. Post-purchase behavior: Post-purchase behavior

99. Price: Price

100. Price discount: Discount

101. Price elasticity: Elasticity (of demand) to price

102. Primary data: Primary information

103. Problem recognition: Problem recognition

104. Product: Product

105. Product Concept : Product concept

106. Product-building pricing: Package pricing

107. Product-form pricing: Pricing based on product form

108. Production concept: Production concept

109. Product-line pricing: Pricing by product family

110. Product-mix pricing: Pricing according to product strategy

111. Product-variety marketing: Product diversification marketing

112. Promotion: Promotion

113. Promotion pricing: Promotion pricing

114. Public Relation: Public Relations

115. Pull Strategy: Pull Strategy

116. Purchase decision: Buying decision

117. Purchaser: Buyer (in buying behavior)

118. Push Strategy: Push Marketing Strategy

119. Quantity discount: Discount for bulk purchase

120. Questionnaire: Questionnaire

121. Relationship marketing: Relationship Marketing

122. Research and Development (R&D): Research and Development

123. Retailer: Retailer

124. Sales concept: The point of view of selling

125. Sales information system: Sales information system

126. Sales promotion: Promotion

127. Satisfaction: Satisfaction

128. Sealed-bid auction: Private Auction

129. Seasonal discount: Seasonal discount

130. Secondary data: Secondary information

131. Segment: Segment

132. Segmentation: (Strategy) segmenting the market

133. Selective attention

134. Selective distortion: Correction

135. Selective distribution: Selective distribution

136. Selective retention: Depicts

137. Service channel: Service channel

138. Short-run Average Cost –SAC: Short-run Average Cost

139. Social – cultural environment: Socio-cultural factors

140. Social marketing concept: Social marketing perspective

141.Special-event pricing: Pricing for special events

142. Straightrebuy: Direct redemption

143. Subculture: Subculture

144. Survey: Survey

145. Survival objective: Survival objective

146. Target market: Target market

147. Target marketing: Target marketing

148. Target-return pricing: Target-return pricing

149. Task environment: Working environment

150. Technological environment: Technological factors (environment)

151. The order-to-payment cycle: The order-to-payment cycle

152. Timing pricing: Pricing according to the time of purchase

153. Trademark: Registered Trademark

154. Transaction: Transaction

155. Two-part pricing: Two-part pricing

156. User: User

157. Value: Value

158. Value pricing: Value-based pricing

159. Vertical conflict: Vertical conflict

160. Want: Want

English terms for Marketing & Communication

1. Board of Management: BOM – Board of Directors

2. General Director: GD – General Director

3. National Sale Manager: NSM – National Sales Manager

4. Deputy National Sales Manager: Deputy National Sales Manager

5. Promotion – Corner -Marketing: PCM: Promote all urgent business strategies .

6. Route To Market Manager: Head of Market Construction Department

7. Sales Capability Manager: Sales Coaching Director

8. Sales Training Manager: Regional Sales Coach

9. Trade Marketing Manager: Head of Trade Marketing Department

10. Sales Operation Manager: Head of Business Operations Department

11. Sales Logistic Manager: Head of Transportation Sales Department

12. Sales Operation department: Sales operation department

13. Sales Audit Manager: Head of market control department

14. Regional Sales Manager: RSM – Domain Sales Manager.

15. Territory Development Manager: TDM Strategic Market Development Manager .

16. Area Sales Managers: ASM – Regional Sales Manager

17. Area Marketing Manager: AMM – Regional Strategy Manager.

18. Sales Supervisors: SS – Sales Supervisor

19. Modern Trade: MT – Modern sales channel

20. Distributor Representative : DR – Sales representative from the distributor.

21. Modern Trade Supervisors: Modern Channel GSBH

22. Modern Trade Executive: Modern channel sales specialist

23. General Trade: GT – Traditional sales channel (Traditional Trade)

24. Distributor: Distributor

25. Telesales Representatives : TSR- Telesales staff.

26. Direct Sales Representative: DSRm – Direct Sales Representative.

27. Distributor Salesman: Distributor’s salesperson

28. Daily Sales Reports: DSR – Daily sales reports.

29. Daily Sell Out Reports : DSOR – Actual sales report.

30. Distributor Customer Representative : DCR – Trade Representative.

31. Outdoor Ads Strategic Planning Director: Director of outdoor advertising strategic planning .

32.  OOH : Out of Home, outdoor advertising

33. Customer Services Manager: Customer Service Manager

34. OOH Manager: Head of outdoor advertising department

35. OOH Director: Outdoor advertising director36. Investment Manager: Head of Investment Department

37. Salesman: Salesman

38. Sales: Salesperson

39. Promotion program: Promotion program

40. Sample product: Sample product

41. Survey : online survey

42. Merchandising: Displaying

43. Coverage: Coverage

44. Outlet: Point of Sale

45. Wholesaler: Wholesaler

46. ​​Scoreboard: Sales tracking board

47. Sales Target: Sales Target

48. Master coverage plan: MCP – Sales schedule

49. Key Performance Indicator: KPI – Performance Indicator

50. Point Of Sales Material: POSM – Point of sale support items

Improve English terms for Marketing & Communication

1. Advertising: Advertising

2. Auction-type pricing: Auction-based pricing

3. Benefit: Benefits

4. Brand acceptability: Brand acceptance

5. Brand awareness: Brand awareness

6. Brand equity: Brand value

7. Brand loyalty: Loyalty to the brand

8. Brand mark: The mark of the brand9. Brand name: Brand/brand name

10. Brand preference: Brand preference

11. Break-even analysis: Break-even analysis

12. Break-even point: Break-even point

13. Buyer: Buyer

14. By-product pricing: Pricing secondary products

15. Captive-product pricing: Compulsory product pricing

16. Cash discount: Discount for paying cash

17. Cash rebate: Coupons

18. Channel level: Channel level

19. Channel management: Distribution channel management

20. Channels: Channels (distribution)

21. Communication channel: Communication channel

22. Consumer: Consumers

23. Copyright: Copyright

24. Cost: Cost

25. Coverage: Coverage (distribution channel)

26. Cross elasticity: Cross elasticity (of demand) (with substitute or complementary products

27. Culture: Culture

28. Customer: Customer

29. Customer-segment pricing: Pricing by customer segment

30. Decider: The person who decides (in buying behavior)

31. Demand elasticity: Elasticity of demand

32. Demographic environment: Demographic (environment) factor

33. Direct marketing: Direct marketing

34. Discount: Discount35. Discriminatory pricing: Discriminatory pricing

36. Distribution channel: Distribution channel

37. Door-to-door sales: Door-to-door sales

38. Dutch auction: Dutch auction

39. Early adopter: The group (customer) adapts quickly

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English terms marketing communication

40. Economic environment: Economic factors (environment)

41. End-user: End user, end customer

42. English auction: English auction

43. Evaluation of alternatives: Evaluation of alternatives

44. Exchange: Exchange

45. Exelusive distribution: Exclusive distribution

46. ​​Franchising: Transfer of business privileges

47. Functional discount: Functional discount

48. Gatekeeper: Gatekeeper (in the act of buying)

49. Geographical pricing: Pricing by geographical location

50. Going-rate pricing: Pricing according to market price

51. Hori/ontal conflict: Horizontal conflict

52. Image pricing: Pricing by image

53. Income elasticity: Elasticity (of demand) with income

54. Influencer: Photo person

55. Group pricing: Pricing according to beneficiary groups

56. Information search: Information search

57. Initiator: The Initiator

58. Innovator: Innovative group(customers)

59. Intensive distribution: Mass distribution

60. Internal record system: Internal information system

61. Laggard: Outdated group (customers)

62. Learning curve: Experimental effect, experience effect,
learning effect

63. List price: List price

64. Location pricing: Pricing according to location and buying space

65. Long-run Average Cost – LAC: Long-run average cost

66. Loss-leader pricing: Pricing at a loss to attract customers

67. Mail questionnaire: Survey method by mailing questionnaire

68. Market coverage: Market coverage

69. Marketing: Marketing

70. Marketing channel: Marketing channel

71. Marketing concept: Marketing perspective

72. Marketing decision support system: Decision support system

73. Marketing information system: Marketing information system

74. Marketing intelligence: Marketing intelligence

75. Natural environment: Natural factors (environment)

76. Need: Need

77. Network: Network

78. Newtask: Buy new.

79. Marketing mix: Marketing mix

80. Marketing research:Marketing research

81. Markup pricing: Pricing plus costing

82. Mass-customization marketing: Mass-customization marketing

83. Mass-marketing: Mass marketing

84. Middle majority: The majority (customers)

85. Modified rebuy: Modified rebuy

86. MRO-Maintenance Repair Operating: Industrial products in the
supply group

87. Multi-channel conflict: Multi-level conflict

88. Observation: Observation

89. OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer: Original equipment manufacturer

90. Optional- feature pricing:Pricing by optional features

91.Packaging: Packing

92. Perceived – value pricing:Price based on perceived value

93. Personal interviewing: Face-to-face interview

94. Physical distribution: Distribution of matter

95. Quantity discount: Discount for bulk purchase

96. Questionnaire: Questionnaire.

97. Place: Distribution

98. Political-legal environment: Political-legal environment

99. Positioning: Positioning

100. Post-purchase behavior: Post-purchase behavior

101. Price: Price

102. Price discount: Discount

103. Price elasticity: Elasticity (of demand) to price

104. Primary data: Primary information

105. Problem recognition: Problem recognition

106. Product: Product

107. Product Concept: Product concept

108. Product-building pricing : Package pricing

109. Product-form pricing Pricing by product form

110. Production concept: Production concept

111. Product-line pricing: Pricing by product family

112. Product-mix pricing: Pricing according to product strategy

113. Product-variety marketing:Product diversification marketing

114. Promotion: Promotion

115. Promotion pricing: Promotion pricing

116. Public Relation: Community Relations

117. Pull Strategy: Pull Strategy

118. Purchase decision: Buying decision

119. Purchaser: Buyer (in buying behavior)

120. Push Strategy: Push Marketing Strategy

121. Relationship marketing: Relationship Marketing

122. Research and Development(R&D): Research and Development

123. Retailer: Retailer

124. Sales concept: The point of view of selling

125. Sales information system: Sales information system

126. Sales promotion: Promotion

127. Satisfaction: Satisfaction

128. Sealed-bid auction: Private Auction

129. Seasonal discount: Seasonal discount

130. Target market: Target market

131. Target marketing: Target marketing

132. Target-return pricing: Target-return pricing

133. Task environment: Working environment

134. Technological environment: Technological (environmental) factors.

135. Secondary sata: Secondary information

136. Segment: Segment

137. Segmentation: (Strategy) market segmentation

138. Selective attention

139. Selective distortion: Correction

140. Selective distribution: Filtered distribution

141. Selective retention: Description142. Service channel: Service channel

143. Short-run Average Cost –SAC: Short-run Average Cost

144. Social –cultural environment: Sociocultural (environmental) factors

145. Social marketing concept: Social marketing perspective

146. Special-event pricing: Pricing for special events

147. Straight rebuy: Direct rebuy

148. Subculture: Subculture

149. Survey: Article

150. Traeyele: Order and Pay Cycle

151. Timing pricing: Pricing according to the time of purchase

152. Trademark: Registered Trademark

153. Transaction: Transaction

154. Two-part pricing: Two-part pricing

155. Survival objective: Survival objective

156. User: User

157. Value: Value

158. Value pricing: Value-based pricing

159. Vertical conflict: Vertical conflict

160. Want: Want

161. Wholesaler: Wholesaler


The above concepts  of marketing terms  are very confusing because they are not too different from the outside, distinguishing these terms will help Marketers clearly define the direction in the industry, as well as deploy the campaign more carefully and sharper. .