If in a decade ago, the trend was only “to eat well, dress well”, but in the past few years, that trend has gradually transformed into “clean eating, fashionable clothes”. To attract product purchases and turn new customers into loyal customers, fashion brands in the market accelerate their reach channels and customer acquisition strategies.
Not only the strategy, promotional activities, but right from entering the fashion market, they spend a big investment on designing the logo for the brand. This will be a reminder image and attached on each tag of each product.

- Why do consumers often remember and mention some famous brands in the world quickly?
- Why can customers name the brand when they only see the logo without the brand name on it?
The popularity of the brand that makes consumers remember is undeniable, but the brand logo symbol plays a significant role in capturing the memory of customers and motivating consumers to buy the product.
In the face of fierce competition between a series of clothing stores and fashion brands, if you want to stand out, you need to create an impression and trust in users. The logo is the face of the brand, the first thing for customers to look at and evaluate whether your clothing store is unique and different from other stores. Especially in the fashion industry, an area that is very prone to piracy, owning a logo design will help you have a loyal and stable customer base.
Mục lục bài viết
Toggle3 notes when designing fashion logos, clothing shop logos
The fashion industry logo design notes will help your Logo have an impressive look, a distinct brand system and high applicability in product processing or label printing.
1. Positioning target customers
Before designing a logo, businesses need to collect information about their target customers. In the fashion industry there are 5 main segments which are:
- Haute Couture: This is the most high-end fashion segment that requires all the needlework to the material of the product to be made by hand.
- Luxury: The ready-to-wear segment is a high-end product that needs to be invested in from the seam to the media image.
- Mid-end: Products in this segment have reasonable prices, are mass-produced, but still ensure quality.
- Mass Market: Large-scale production, serving people’s daily clothing needs, aiming for a large market share.
- Value Market: Cheap fashion
Each customer segment will have its own logo, so businesses need to invest carefully in the design phase.
2. Show brand personality

Logo is the way to express the brand personality clearly. Because when looking at the logo, consumers can recognize how the brand is, modern, youthful or mature and serious.
3. High applicability

The fashion industry logo is not only printed with the name of the company’s media publications, but also printed or embroidered right on the products (pants, shirts, scarves, …) and sold widely.
Fashion logo design
Women’s fashion logo

Men’s fashion logo

Kids fashion logo – Kid Fashion

Sports fashion logo – Athleisure

Vintage fashion logo – Vintage

Fashion designer logo – Designer

Streetwear Logo – Streetwear

Fashion logo – Techwear

Refer to more fashion logo samples
If you are the owner of a fashion brand, a clothing store, an accessory shop, … are in need of a professional logo design to increase the recognition of your brand, please quickly contact Malu Design via phone number. hotline 0988622991 or email info@maludesign.vn for quick support and unique and outstanding logo designs!

If you are looking for a reputable and experienced unit to be able to design a professional and impressive logo and brand identity system , then please contact us immediately by phone. 0988 622 991, or leave your information and requirements, Malu Design ‘s consulting department will contact you right away to answer all your questions!
Malu Design – Branding Identity Agency
Hotline: 0988 622 991