Malu Design shares iCiel Vietnameseized font set for free download for designers, google drive link.
Introducing iCiel font
iCiel is a very famous font design and Vietnameseization forum. The community has many graphics enthusiasts involved. In particular, the management team also stood up to synthesize members’ opinions to Vietnameseize the beautiful font sets of English into Vietnamese. Most of them are prefixed with iCiel- with the original name of the font.

However, not all iCiel Vietnameseized fonts are free. They can take separate orders for each object according to the agreed cost. The most beautiful iCiel Font sets are all charged, users have to spend money to buy, the new forum owner sends the download link and the password to extract.
Other Vietnameseized – Vietnamese fonts
Set of Vietnameseized UTM Fonts
Vietnameseized ICIEL Font Set
Font set VL – Viet Linh
UVF . Font Set
Font Set VNF
Font Set SFU
UVN . Font Set
HP Font Set
HL . Font Set
HLT . Font Set
Font set VNI
Font set TCVN3
Helvetica Font Set
Myriad Pro font set

This iciel font set includes the following fonts:
Font AndesRoundedLight Vietnameseized
Font Auther Typeface Vietnameseized
Font BalihoScript Vietnameseized
Font BalihoScript Vietnameseized
Font Blooming Elegant Hand1 Vietnameseized
Font Blooming Elegant Sans1 Vietnameseized
Font BloomingElegant1 Vietnameseized
Font BreeSerif Vietnameseized
Font Butcherandblock Vietnameseized
Font ButcherandBlockExtras1 Vietnameseized
Font ButterScotch Vietnameseized
Font Butterscotch_Ornaments Vietnameseized
Font Ciao Bella Flowers Vietnameseized
Font Ciao Bella Laurels Vietnameseized
Font Ciao Bella Leaves Vietnameseized
Font Ciao Bella Stems Vietnameseized
Font Cucho Bold Vietnameseized
Font Cucho Ornament Vietnameseized
Font Cucho Vietnameseized
Font EnyoSerif-Italic Vietnameseized
Font EnyoSerif-Light Vietnameseized
Font EnyoSerif-LightItalic Vietnameseized
Font EnyoSerif-Medium Vietnameseized
Font EnyoSerif-MediumItalic Vietnameseized
Font EnyoSerif-Regular Vietnameseization
Font Fairy Tales Vietnameseized
Font Fairy Tales Vietnameseized
Font Fetridge Vietnameseized
Font Fort Foundry – Rift-Regular Vietnameseization
Font Gotham-Medium Vietnameseized
Font Gotham-Thin Vietnameseized
Font Gotham-Ultra Vietnameseized
Font HapnaSlabSerif-Light Vietnameseized
Font Helena Vietnameseized
Font Helena Vietnameseized
Vietnameseized Hipsteria font
Font HumbleHearts Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Alina Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Altus Extra Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Altus Extra Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Altus Serif Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Altus Serif Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Altus Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Altus Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Brush Up Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Brush Up Vietnameseized
Font iciel Cadena Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Ciaobella Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Crocante Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Finch bold Vietnameseization
Font iCiel Finch bold Vietnameseization
Font iCiel Finch ornaments Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Finch ornaments Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Finch Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Finch Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Grandma Bold Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Grandma Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Kermel Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Kermel Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Koni Black Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Koni Black Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Koni Ornament Black Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Koni Ornament Black Vietnameseized
Font iCiel LachicPro Vietnameseized
Font iCiel LachicProOutline Vietnameseized
Font iCiel LaChicProShaded Vietnameseized
Font iCiel LadyRene Style 1 Vietnameseization
Font iCiel LadyRene Style 1 Vietnameseization
Font iCiel LadyRene Style 2 Vietnameseized
Font iCiel LadyRene Style 2 Vietnameseized
Font iCiel LOUSIANE Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Pacifico Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Pacifico Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Qiber Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Qiber Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Rukola Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Rukola Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Simplifica Vietnameseized
Font iCiel Simplifica Vietnameseized
Font iCiel TALUHLA Vietnameseized
Font iCielAmerigraf Vietnameseized
Font iCielBambola Vietnameseized
Font iCielBambola Vietnameseized
Font iCielCadena Vietnameseized
Font iCielLiebeErika Vietnameseized
Font iCielLiebeErika-Bold Vietnameseized
Font iCielLOUSIANE Vietnameseized
Font iCielNovecentosans-DemiBold Vietnameseized
Font iCielNovecentosans-ExtraLight Vietnameseized
Font iCielNovecentosans-Light Vietnameseized
Font iCielNovecentosans-Medium Vietnameseized
Font iCielNovecentosans-Normal Vietnameseized
Font iCielNovecentosans-UltraBold Vietnameseized
Font iCielPanton-Black Vietnameseized
Font iCielPanton-BlackItalic Vietnameseized
Font iCielPanton-Light Vietnameseized
Font iCielPanton-LightItalic Vietnameseized
Font iCielParisSerif-Bold Vietnameseized
Font iCielParisSerif-Bold Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena-English Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena-France Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequna-Germanized Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena-Italian Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena-Ornament Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena-Portugues Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena-Russian Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena-Spain Vietnameseized
Font iCielPequena-Swash Vietnameseized
Font iCielSoupofJustice Vietnameseized
Font iCielSoupofJustice Vietnameseized
Font iCielStringfellows-News Vietnameseized
Font Kermel-regular Vietnameseization
Font La Chic Flourishes Outline Vietnameseized
Font La Chic Flourishes Vietnameseized
Font La Chic Frames Shaded Vietnameseized
Font La Chic Frames Vietnameseized
Font La Chich Flourishes Shaded Vietnameseized
Font La Chich Frames Outline Vietnameseized
Font Latinotype – Queulat Uni Vietnameseized
Font LesFruits Vietnameseized
Font LiebeErika Vietnameseized
Font LiebeErika-Bold Vietnameseized
Font Mijas-Ultra Vietnameseized
Font Nabila Vietnameseized
Font Outfitter Script Vietnameseized
Font Pony Vietnameseized
Font port_regular Vietnameseized
Font Sanelma Vietnameseized
Font Sanelma Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Black Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Bold Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Heavy Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Light Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Medium Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Regular Vietnameseization
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Semibold Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Thin Vietnameseization
Font SanFranciscoDisplay-Ultralight Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-Bold Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-BoldG1 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-BoldG2 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-BoldG3 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-BoldItalic Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-BoldItalicG1 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-BoldItalicG2 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-BoldItalicG3 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-Heavy Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-HeavyItalic Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-Italic Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-ItalicG1 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-ItalicG2 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-ItalicG3 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-Light Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-LightItalic Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-Medium Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-MediumItalic Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-Regular Vietnameseization
Font SanFranciscoText-RegularG1 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-RegularG2 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-RegularG3 Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-Semibold Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-SemiboldItalic Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-Thin Vietnameseized
Font SanFranciscoText-ThinItalic Vietnameseized
Font ShowcaseSans Vietnameseized
Font ShowcaseScript Vietnameseized
Font Smoothy-Cursive Vietnameseization
Font Smoothy-Sans Vietnameseized
Font Stabile Toys Vietnameseized
Font Stabile-Regular Vietnameseization
Font Stringfellows Vietnameseized
Font TALUHLA Borders Vietnameseized
Font Thinpaw Vietnameseized
Font Thinpaw Vietnameseized
Font zitroneFY Vietnameseized