We hope you enjoy the color blue, as this article will tell you all about what blue logos mean and how to use it in design.
Have you ever wondered how hundreds of companies use blue as the primary color in their logos? For example, Facebook, Ford, Skype, Twitter… and many other famous brands.
These companies understand the psychological impact of the color blue on their customers, and it’s all based on scientific research.
Brands prefer to use blue because it is a color that represents trust. It’s a safe design choice if you’re having trouble choosing a color for your logo. It will highlight your positive traits, such as confidence and intelligence.
Let’s take a look at successful companies using blue in their logos to convey specific messages and learn from your logo design.
The Meaning Behind the Blue Logo
Color has a significant effect on our behavior, mood, and even physiological responses. That being said, color associations rely heavily on culture, personal experience, and upbringing — the meaning of color is not a box of crayons that fits.
If you want your logo to convey trust, maturity, dependability, intelligence and a sense of calm, then blue is the color for you.
Many businesses require the trust of their customers, none other than banks. PayPal and Bank of America both require customers to share important and valuable information, thus establishing a high level of trust and commitment. It is no coincidence that both logos use blue as the main color.
For example, modern and innovative technology companies like Intel use blue in their logos to represent intelligence and constancy.
The message behind the blue logo

If you are looking for a reputable and experienced unit to be able to design a professional and impressive logo and brand identity system , then please contact us immediately by phone. 0988 622 991, or leave your information and requirements, Malu Design ‘s consulting department will contact you right away to answer all your questions!
Malu Design – Branding Identity Agency
Hotline: 0988 622 991