Chuyên mục: Business

BUSINESS 9 great books about sales that will help you become the King of Sales

Have you ever wondered why the same source of goods, the ads run well, the

Very Useful Experience, Registering to Sell on Lazada

Today, when it comes to e-commerce channels, we can’t help but mention Lazada – one

Instructions for Registering Sales on Tiki (Detailed, Simple)

Today, e-commerce trading floors are the optimal choice for shops, especially those with limited operating

What is Sales profession? 9 Weaknesses of Sales people that need to be overcome

Sales is a hard job, but it comes with a sense of autonomy about work

A Guide To Building A Professional Sales Process From AZ

Building a sales process is one of the mandatory things every manager needs to build

What is an M&A? M&A Concepts in Business

You must have accidentally come across the term M&A somewhere while reading articles about business

What is a CEO? Roles And Responsibilities Of The CEO In The Enterprise

What is CEO? What are the roles, duties and responsibilities of the CEO in the business? How

What is FMCG? Career Opportunities in FMCG

We must have heard the term FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) many times , but have you

What Is The Boston Matrix, How Is It Practically Applied?

The Boston Matrix is ​​a classic theoretical model of the life cycle of a product

What is B2B? Types of B2B Business Models

In the era of online commerce, we have to approach a lot of different terms. B2B

What is B2C? Distinguishing B2B and B2C Models

Just a few decades ago, few people aspired to become an expert in sales. In our

Experience Opening a Low-Cost, Effective Gym

  The need to improve the appearance of men as well as women is growing. But